About Us

The story behind Blue Numbigor is a simple one: We have always been passionate about design and art, drawing inspiration from our travels and nature's boundless beauty. But there's more to it than just to share our artistry with the world. We wanted this shop to be also about giving back. That's why a chunk of the profits goes to local environmental projects. So when you shop here, you're not just getting unique designs - you're helping to protect our planet too.

Partnering with trusted print providers, we ensure that every product is made with care and precision, using the latest printing technology and eco-friendly materials. We believe in sustainable and ethical production practices and strive to minimize our environmental impact by reducing waste and choosing eco-friendly materials.

The direct-to-garment printing method is used for printing on clothing, and the process itself resembles digital printing on paper. Using this technique, pigmented water-based inks are applied to the garment’s surface and are absorbed by the product’s fibers.

Please note that all of our products are made-to-order, which means we cannot offer exchanges or returns. However, if you encounter any issues with your order, please reach out to us and we will do our best to find a solution that works for you.

We are always ready to help with any questions or concerns since commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is our top priority. We believe that everyone deserves to wear high-quality and unique products, and that the wide range of designs in Blue Numbigor boutique will provide the perfect opportunity for you to express yourself in a unique and stylish way.

Thank you for choosing Blue Numbigor as your destination for both casual wear and meaningful gifts. Explore the ever-growing collection and embrace the opportunity to showcase your unique identity, while giving back to our environment with every purchase.

Happy shopping!